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About us

Evolution Energy is a New York State renewable energy installer with over 20 years of combined experience that always puts the clients needs first.

We’re changing the way you power your home and your future.

Our core focus is aimed at customer experience and quality of work, that’s why we handle every step of the solar experience from A-Z. We install the latest solar technology and warranty all of our work and products so you can trust us as your solar installer!




Solar energy in New York has been steadily growing in popularity and importance. As the state embraces renewable energy alternatives, solar power has become a prominent solution for both residential and commercial sectors. With its abundant sunlight resources and supportive government incentives, solar installations have multiplied across the state. The introduction of community solar initiatives has made it even more accessible for individuals and businesses without suitable roof space. Not only does solar energy contribute to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, but it also helps lower electricity costs for consumers. As New York continues to prioritize sustainability and the transition towards cleaner energy options, solar power will undoubtedly play a vital role in shaping the state's energy landscape for years to come.

Solar panels are revolutionizing the way we harness and generate electricity. These sleek and efficient devices are built with photovoltaic cells that capture the sun's rays and convert them into usable energy. In a world increasingly concerned with sustainability, solar panels offer a clean and renewable source of power that reduces reliance on fossil fuels and lowers carbon emissions. With their silent operation and long lifespan, solar panels have become a reliable and cost-effective option for both residential and commercial applications. As the technology continues to advance, solar panels are becoming even more efficient and affordable, making them an indispensable part of our transition towards a greener and more sustainable future.

We couldn’t be happier with our solar install. Swift clean work. Great communication with solar rep.
— Andrew Sietz
We saved so much money by making the switch to solar Panels
— David Leilad
The whole process was easy and quick. And, the team was very friendly and reliable.
— Paul Smith